Cancellation Policy
Payment for treatment is taken on booking a physiotherapy session. This session is then held exclusively for you. A full refund will be given if an appointment is cancelled up to 24 hours before the appointment. Any late cancellations with 24 hours or less notice will be charged the full price of the appointment.
Privacy Policy
We will treat all information, facts, matters, documents and all other materials of a confidential nature which we receive or create as a result of your/your client’s treatment as confidential. All written, audio, visual and video records will be stored securely. Information shared within the treatment sessions will be treated with the strictest of confidence and at no time will this information be shared with any third parties without your consent. We are GDPR compliant and are registered with the Information Commissioners Office on the “Register of Data Controllers” as required by the Data Protection Act 1998. All data held by us is processed in accordance with GDPR.
Informed Consent Policy
The physiotherapists in this practice will discuss your condition and options for treatment with you so that you are appropriately informed and can make decisions relating to treatment. You may choose to consent to or refuse any form of treatment for any reason including religious or personal grounds. Once you have given consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time.
All Physiotherapists at InVigorate comply with the CSPs guidance on Consent in Physiotherapy Practice. Please contact us if you wish to know more.